Dismantling Mantel!


I have somehow never been invited to join a book club, although I have spoken at many across the country. Perhaps having an author in their midst would make members nervous? I don't know why; I am a lover of books every bit as much as they are. I am thus not used to deconstructing books with others on a regular basis, and only leave reviews on my Goodreads account on occasion.

It was with trepidation that I agreed to be part of this podcast discussion about the legendary, double Booker prize-winning Hilary Mantel's third book of her Thomas Cromwell trilogy, The Mirror and The Light. But I could not resist Susanne Dunlap's offer, because she and Patricia Bracewell are respected colleagues and good friends. You could say I was "shamed" into reading at least this one of the trilogy as my enthusiasm to participate overcame my worry about tackling the tome (it's 759 pages, in case you hadn't heard!). 

I needn't have worried about the discussion; it was more than fun, it was exhilarating! Here is the link, with a caveat--it's 40 minutes long, so settle in with a cup of tea or glass of your favorite beverage and join in! Would love to know what you, too, think of this trilogy. 



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