
Showing posts from May, 2013

"Royal Mistress" makes her entrance!

Rather than me blathering on about Jane Shore, I thought she ought to speak for herself on this 7th day of May when the world will read her story in "Royal Mistress" perhaps for the first time. We chatted recently and here is some of that conversation. AES: How would you describe yourself? JANE:   Much too short, unfortunately. I wish I had some of your inches! I’m told I am pretty, and I know my sister envied my blonde hair, but I think my breasts are too big (can I talk about that or is it impolite--not that I particularly care about that sort of thing) and my neck isn’t long enough for the gorgeous necklaces Edward used to hang on it. I do like the color of my eyes, though. It is very changeable and it gives men a really hard time when they are asked to describe it. They are sea-green--and you know how many different colors the sea can turn. AES: Do you hear that you are supposed to be Edward’s merriest of mistresses? JANE: Ha! Is that what they say? Well, then, let me